Sunday, June 17, 2012

What a Dad

When I had a crush on Jon in junior high I had no idea the kind of father he would be one day. We were 12 and well, that was just not something on the forefront of my mind. Of course, by the time we were in college and engaged to be married I knew his love for the Lord and his pursuit of excellence in every area of life would make him a great dad. However, I never imagined how great of a dad he would be. Anyone who has been around Jon and our girls can attest to the fact that he is an amazing Dad. I am so thankful for this man and the way he loves our girls. I love watching him and learning how to be a better parent. Most of all I love that he strives to impart God's truth to the girls, both by teaching and by example. 

We really enjoyed celebrating this awesome Dad! 

We sent Jon on a little scavenger hunt through the house to find his gift.
The girls had a blast getting it all ready.

Finding the first "clue"

Couple stops later....he finds the gift under Marian's bed and brings it to the living room. 

His first look at his new hunting rifle!
So thankful for the help of Jon's hunting buddy to find out which one to get.  =)

Celebrating with the a tried and true Montanan with a rifle!

Love this man and looking forward to many years of raising our girls and parenting together.