Sunday, September 11, 2011

Picking Raspberries

After we got home from our trip, life was so crazy getting everything back together on our house. Pretty soon we just had a few short weeks before school started, and I wanted to think of one fun (and simple =) thing to do together. We decided to go to Rocky Creek Farm to pick raspberries. We usually go there in the Fall for the hay maze and pumpkin picking, but this was a whole different experience. The girls loved it and we kept thinking of one of our favorite books, Blueberries for Sal. 

Here are some shots from our time there: 

I love the pink stained lips and fingers....the people told us to eat some berries to make sure we
were picking good ones. They definitely listened to that instruction! =)

Probably should explain the "bonnet."
The girls love Little House on the Prairie and my Mom found them these
bonnets awhile back. Marian wanted to wear her's and pretend she was Laura
Ingalls picking berries for Ma. =) 

They were as tasty as they look!
The best part was that we made raspberry jelly with the berries we picked
and it was amazing. Can't wait to do it next year. 

Love the people at Rocky Creek.
They gave the kids Otter Pops when we got back.
 I couldn't resist the opportunity to make them lay down for a few pictures. =) 

Still has on her raspberry "lipstick" =)

1 comment:

  1. These are gorgeous photos, Tracy! Your girls are beautiful. :) ~Kaylee
